Monday, July 20, 2015

Reconciliation 2

God is all about reconciling us to Him. Reconciliation first came through offerings - sin, peace, meat, etc. These were never enough though and had to be repeated continually. God then sent His Son to the Perfect offering for all sin. It is though Jesus' blood that we are reconciled to God . God never wanted to be separated from us in the first place - that's why He created the garden of Eden, to be with us always. It was free will that led to our choice of sin which led to us walking away from God. He didn't leave us, we left Him. He wants us back - loves us that much - and was willing to allow His Son to die in order to get us back.

Daily I do my best to walk toward Jesus - to rebuild the relationship that was broken through sin. Some days I do better than others, but I don't stop trying when I do mess up. The relationship with Christ is like any other relationship - it takes work. It is unlike any other relationship in that Christ will never leave me or forsake me. I need to pattern my human relationships after the one I have with Christ - there would still be challenges, but the underlying theme would be of love.

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