I bought a lamb. Not a real one, unfortunately. While I believe a real one would have been a pretty cool thing to own, I don't believe it is on the approved pet list for my apartment complex. So, I bought a cute, little stuffed toy lamb. I have no children and am 43 years old, but I still bought myself a toy lamb. I bought it as a reminder.
When I look at the lamb, or hold it on my lap, I think of myself. I'm a little lamb. Many times I get lost. I wander off the path I'm supposed to be walking. I forget where I am and Who I belong to at times too. Like all sheep, I have a shepherd and my shepherd is the Good Shepherd. What makes my Shepherd Good is that He knows when I've gone astray, left the path, gotten myself into some trouble and He comes looking for me. My Shepherd knows my name. Because He's a Good Shepherd, He knows all His sheep/lambs by name.
When I take the time to listen, I know my Shepherd's voice too. Sometimes I choose not to listen. I choose to keep going down what I know to be the wrong path. When I finally get tired of being lost or going in circles, I stop and listen carefully, then I can hear the Shepherd gently calling me back to Him. I can also cry out for my Shepherd and He is always faithful to come along side and lead me back to where I belong.
My little lamb also reminds me not to be scared because my Shepherd won't leave me lost, wandering in circles, or alone. He'll always be near by. My Shepherd looks out for me. He'll let me make mistakes when I choose to wander off, but He'll always be there when I call.
I hope that my little lamb will help me to remember these things so I don't wander off so often and so I don't feel so alone at times. I will keep my little lamb with me as I walk toward Jesus.
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